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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Handy in more ways than one

Being someone who likes to use her hands, I'd like to share with you some of my more crafty creations. My sister just got a chihuahua-poodle mix puppy, so I decided to make some homemade toys for her to play with.

Here she is, the most adorable puppy EVER. Penny Lane:

On the Michael's website, you can find free patterns for many cute Amigurumi's, which are crocheted animals. After learning to crochet, I decided to make a few.

First (as in, the first animal I've ever made, with lots of mistakes), I made a cat. The right eye is a little messed up, but I think it looks like he's winking. My favorite part is the white-tipped tail.

Next, I made a frog. I paid a lot more attention to the number of stitches this time, so it's more true to the pattern. He has the most personality of the bunch.

On the plane ride back to NY, instead of studying I decided to make a whale. We are an ocean-loving family, and I was a marine biology major in college, so this was fitting. I also added the spout.

Lastly, because Penny Lane is so tiny (she weighed under 2 pounds when my sister got her), I made her a little mouse, complete with whiskers.

Because these were made as dog toys, I stuffed the animals with yarn scraps instead of cotton filling, and I made the eyes with yarn instead of plastic eyes, in case Penny Lane accidentally swallows something. My newest crocheting project is a blanket, so you won't see the finished product for quite a long time!

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